Support speakers with professional outfit styling and set them up for success.

Support speakers with professional outfit styling and set them up for success.
Book a free intro call and let's discuss how we can support the speakers at your event.

How I can help

How I can help

1-on-1 sessions

Conduct a 1h 1-on-1 styling session with each speaker to prepare for the big day

Tailored styling

Offer styling advice to each presenter, tailored to their individual needs and figure

Memorable talks

Actionable advice on using the outfit as a storytelling tool to enhance the talk



Relieve speakers of the stress of dressing dilemmas so they can focus on their talk.

Boost self-confidence in speakers through personalised styling, empowering their presentations.

Align speakers outward appearance with their stories and expertise, projecting an expert image.

Position yourself as a premium and attentive event organiser, that will attract top-class speakers.

Why hire me

Why hire me

Data shows that more than 70% of people fear public speaking, surpassing fears of death, spiders, or heights. As someone who used to speak publicly, I understand the nerves that come with being on stage. Speakers are amazing—they share discoveries, champion causes, and inspire us. They deserve a toolkit that empowers them to perform at their best, and being impeccably dressed for the occasion is a key part of that toolkit.

Online guidelines for public speaking advise dressing "a notch better than the audience," avoiding prints, and matching the setting. However, this advice can be unclear. What exactly does it mean to dress "better" than the audience?

As both a stylist and speaker, I recognise the importance of feeling confident about your appearance. Although a speech may last only around 20 minutes on the stage, its images and recordings can persist for years on Google and social media. While I've already assisted clients before their speaking engagements, not everyone is familiar with personal styling, and some may hesitante to ask for help.

What are the steps

What are the steps

Step 1

We have a call to discuss the number of speakers, background information and the speaking set-up.

Step 2

I contact the speakers and have individual calls with them to prepare their outfits for the big day.

Step 3

I offer support to all the speakers in case any of them need assistance or have follow-up questions



5 or fewer speakers


More than 5 speakers


Let's meet

Let's meet
Book a free intro call and let's discuss how we can support the speakers at your event.

© Copyright 2023 Jeanina